
 Location: Normal, Nevada, United States



 User Description: Step Four. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. This step is about looking at one's own life and laying claim to wrongs done to self and others. Without the assurance of the presence of a High Power from Step 3, this would surely be an impossible step to complete thoroughly. Writing down resentments gives them less power and allows the alcoholic the chance to begin to let them go. Trusting in an infinite Higher Power makes this step easier because the alcoholic knows that he or she is not alone on the journey.There are people from all faiths in AA. Most that I've met are Christians. But I'm sure in other parts of the world, the ratios are markedly different. Just like in other walks of life, some are more active and zealous than others. There are also many who have made AA their God. One guy I know has remained atheist. As far as I know, he's been sober over five years.There are several sobriety tests that you can take. One of them is the standardized field sobriety tests, which are tests done by police officers in the field when they suspect someone of drunk driving. The driver is asked to stop is vehicle and do a series of tests to determine his sobriety. will be asked to stand on one leg for about 30 seconds, then walk and turn around. He will also be checked for horizontal or vertical gaze nystagmus, in which the suspected person will be asked to follow the penlight's movement through his eyes. When the person fails the exam indicating that he must be drunk driving, he will then be submitted to blood alcohol concentration testing.AA does offer a program of conformity, but AA is not about conformity. AA is not about submission to others in the group. I will not dispute that AA is about submitting to the fact that you have a problem and want help. Seeking help from people who have experienced similar circumstances, but remaining free to choose and make your own decisions indicates the individual is exercising free will. Cults do not allow the existence of free will because some manner of mind-control is practiced to create the cult I sought help from an organized group when I studied for the Texas Bar Exam. Is the legal profession a cult? check here know some who would say yes, but the truth is we seek comfort and strength in groups of people who have similar experiences, problems, or goals.Some newcomers to alcoholics anonymous are put off by talk of "God" or "faith" or "spirituality". That's understandable since many of us had negative experiences in church at some point. AA members emphasize that the organization does not endorse or claim affiliation with ANY organized religion. Instead, they say, AA is a program that teaches a design for living that relies on some power outside of ourselves. Some members call this power God, but the power can go by any name the member chooses.drunking and driving The road to sobriety began with the fellowship and meetings, but I quickly learned that the program of Alcoholics Anonymous is in what we loving call The Big Book. They suggested that I find a sponsor and begin the process of going through "the steps". They didn't tell me what to do, they suggested that I do it.How is this possible, you may ask. Why would an organization create a situation in which a group can make horrible mistakes? The answer is in the greater wisdom of the AA model. how to do alcoholics anonymous are allowed to make mistakes, even obvious ones, because they will fail.

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